Advanced Thermodynamics

Robust density solver for Helmholtz Equations of State

30 October 2021

In the series about helium-containing mixtures, I created a simple density solver and a simple flash procedure compatible with multiparameter Helmholtz Equations of State like GERG-2008 [1]. What I found was that the simple solvers lacked robustness: sometimes they would fail to converge or they may have converged to the wrong solution. In this post, I'd like to investigate more robust methods of solving for the density. If I find an acceptable method, I may then be able to pursue a robust method for solving the more-complicated flash problem.

In Part 9 of the helium series, I showed the beginnings of a robust solver based on interval root finding. It looked like the following:

function ρ_robust(m::FluidMixture,p_target,T,x)
    # find all density roots between 1.e-4 mol/m³ and 1.e5 mol/m³
    return IntervalRootFinding.roots(ρ->p(m,ρ,T,x)-p_target,1.e-4..1.e5)
The solver above has a couple of problems: As a reminder, the robust solver took more than 2 seconds to find the sole root near 736 mol/m3 for the case of pure methane at 180 K and 1 MPa:

methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
m = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane])
T = 180.0
x = [1.0]
@time AdvancedThermo.ρ_robust(m,1.e6,T,x)
    2.209085 seconds (6.28 M allocations: 244.578 MiB, 5.04% gc time)
    1-element Vector{Root{Interval{Float64}}}:
    Root([736.006, 736.007], :unique)
The first problem could be addressed by finding first the spinodal points [2] at which (∂p/∂ρ)T = 0 (if any), then using those points to bound the search for the physical root(s). But the second problem makes the solver effectively unusable, and adding a search for the spinodal will only decrease the speed even more. So, I would like to understand why the robust solver above is so slow and whether anything can be done to improve its speed.

The basic benchmarking above indicates that 244 MiB of allocations are happening when the solver runs. Allocating memory (and the subsequent cleanup) is very time-consuming in Julia, so the first thing to investigate is where the allocations are happening. I'll post the script here but more information can be found online (e.g. here).

julia --project --track-allocation=user
using AdvancedThermo
methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
m = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane])
T = 180.0
x = [1.0]
using Profile
The result of the allocation tracking will be written to a .mem file in the same directory as each source code file. For AdvancedThermo.jl the contents resemble the following (I have deleted some uncalled functions for clarity):

    - function ρ_robust(m::FluidMixture,p_target,T,x)
    -     # find all density roots between 1.e-4 mol/m³ and 1.e5 mol/m³
100384     return IntervalRootFinding.roots(ρ->p(m,ρ,T,x)-p_target,1.e-4..1.e5)
    - end
    - function a(m::FluidMixture,v,T,x)
587936     return R*T*α(m,inv(v),T,x)
    - end
    - function ∂a∂v(m::FluidMixture,v,T,x)
    -     f = v -> a(m,v,T,x)
69520     return ForwardDiff.derivative(f,v)
    - end
    - function p(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
239728     return -∂a∂v(m,inv(ρ),T,x)
    - end
    - function α(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
216352     return αᵒ(m,ρ,T,x) + αʳ(m,ρ,T,x)
    - end
    - function αᵒ(fluid::FluidComponent,ρ,T)
    0     δᵢ = ρ/fluid.ρc
    0     τᵢ = fluid.Tc/T
277776     s = [
    -         1.0, 
    -         τᵢ, 
    -         log(τᵢ), 
    -         log(abs(sinh([4]*τᵢ))), 
    -        -log(abs(cosh([5]*τᵢ))), 
    -         log(abs(sinh([6]*τᵢ))), 
    -        -log(abs(cosh([7]*τᵢ)))]
526816     return log(δᵢ) +'s
    - end
    - function αᵒ(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
    -     result = 0.0
    0     for i = 1:length(x)
    0         if x[i]>0.0
463872             result += x[i]*(αᵒ(m.components[i],ρ,T)+log(x[i]))
    -         end
    -     end
    0     return result
    - end
    - function αʳ(fluid::FluidComponent,ρ,T)
    -     δ = ρ/fluid.ρc
    -     τ = fluid.Tc/T
    -     return αʳ(δ,τ,fluid)
    - end
    - function αʳ(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
    0     δ = ρ/ρᵣ(x,m.ρc,m.βv,m.γv)
    0     τ = Tᵣ(x,m.Tc,m.βT,m.γT)/T
    0     return αʳ(δ,τ,x,m)
    - end
    - function nαʳ(m::FluidMixture,VTn)
    -     ntotal = sum(VTn[3:end])
    -     return ntotal*αʳ(m,ntotal/VTn[1],VTn[2],VTn[3:end]./ntotal)
    - end
    - function αʳ(δ,τ,x,m::FluidMixture)
278080     return sum(x.*αʳ.(δ,τ,m.components))
    - end
    - function αʳ(δ,τ,f::FluidComponent)
    0     return αʳ(δ,τ,,f.dp, + αʳ(δ,τ,,,f.te,f.γe,f.ce)
    - end
    - function αʳ(δ,τ,n,d,t)
633776     return sum(@.(n*δ^d*τ^t))
    - end
    - function αʳ(δ,τ,n,d,t,γ,c)
1576800     return sum(@.(n*δ^d*τ^t*exp(-γ*δ^c)))
    - end
    - function ρᵣ(x,ρc,βv,γv)
185184     return inv(vᵣ(x,inv.(ρc),βv,γv))
    - end
    - function vᵣ(x,vc,βv,γv)
    -     result = 0.0
    0     for j = 1:length(x)
    0         if x[j]>0.0
    0             for i = 1:length(x)
    0                 if x[i]>0.0
    0                     vᵢⱼ = (vc[i]^(1/3)+vc[j]^(1/3))^3/8.0
    0                     result += ( x[i]*x[j]*βv[i,j]*γv[i,j]*
    -                                 (x[i]+x[j])/(βv[i,j]^2*x[i]+x[j])*vᵢⱼ )
    -                 end
    -             end
    -         end
    -     end
    0     return result
    - end
    - function Tᵣ(x,Tc,βT,γT)
    -     result = 0.0
    0     for j = 1:length(x)
    0         if x[j]>0.0
    0             for i = 1:length(x)
    0                 if x[i]>0.0
    0                     Tᵢⱼ = sqrt(Tc[i]*Tc[j])
    0                     result += ( x[i]*x[j]*βT[i,j]*γT[i,j]*
    -                                 (x[i]+x[j])/(βT[i,j]^2*x[i]+x[j])*Tᵢⱼ )
    -                 end
    -             end
    -         end
    -     end
    0     return result
    - end
The numbers on the left are number of bytes allocated. They total around 5.1 MiB out of the 240 MiB reported altogether. It seems that most of the allocations are happening inside the packages I'm calling. I find some instances of large allocations occurring in IntervalArithmetic.jl files:
• in precision.jl:

    - function setprecision(f::Function, ::Type{Interval}, prec::Integer)
6431264     old_precision = precision(Interval)
    0     setprecision(Interval, prec)
    -     try
32156320         return f()
    -     finally
    0         setprecision(Interval, old_precision)
    -     end
    - end

• in conversion.jl

    - @static if Sys.iswindows()  # Windows cannot round properly
    -     function atomic(::Type{Interval{T}}, x::S) where {T<:AbstractFloat, S<:Real}
    -         isinf(x) && return wideinterval(T(x))
26308416         Interval{T}( parse(T, string(x), RoundDown),
    -                      parse(T, string(x), RoundUp) )
    -     end
    -     function atomic(::Type{Interval{T}}, x::Union{Irrational,Rational}) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    0         isinf(x) && return wideinterval(T(x))
77175168         Interval{T}( T(x, RoundDown), T(x, RoundUp) )
    -         # the rounding up could be done as nextfloat of the rounded down one?
    -         # use @round_up and @round_down here?
    -     end
    - else
    -     function atomic(::Type{Interval{T}}, x::S) where {T<:AbstractFloat, S<:Real}
    -         isinf(x) && return wideinterval(T(x))
    -         Interval{T}( T(x, RoundDown), T(x, RoundUp) )
    -         # the rounding up could be done as nextfloat of the rounded down one?
    -         # use @round_up and @round_down here?
    -     end
    - end

• in functions.jl

    - function ^(a::Interval{BigFloat}, n::Integer)
    0     isempty(a) && return a
4779792     n == 0 && return one(a)
    0     n == 1 && return a
    -     # n == 2 && return sqr(a)
    0     n < 0 && a == zero(a) && return emptyinterval(a)
    -     T = BigFloat
    0     if isodd(n) # odd power
    0         isentire(a) && return a
    0         if n > 0
    0             a.lo == 0 && return @round(0, a.hi^n)
    0             a.hi == 0 && return @round(a.lo^n, 0)
14387408             return @round(a.lo^n, a.hi^n)
    -         else
    0             if a.lo ≥ 0
    0                 a.lo == 0 && return @round(a.hi^n, Inf)
    0                 return @round(a.hi^n, a.lo^n)
    0             elseif a.hi ≤ 0
    0                 a.hi == 0 && return @round(-Inf, a.lo^n)
    0                 return @round(a.hi^n, a.lo^n)
    -             else
    0                 return entireinterval(a)
    -             end
    -         end
    -     else # even power
    0         if n > 0
    0             if a.lo ≥ 0
22318464                 return @round(a.lo^n, a.hi^n)
    0             elseif a.hi ≤ 0
    0                 return @round(a.hi^n, a.lo^n)
    -             else
    0                 return @round(mig(a)^n, mag(a)^n)
    -             end
    -         else
    0             if a.lo ≥ 0
    0                 return @round(a.hi^n, a.lo^n)
    0             elseif a.hi ≤ 0
    0                 return @round(a.lo^n, a.hi^n)
    -             else
    0                 return @round(mag(a)^n, mig(a)^n)
    -             end
    -         end
    -     end
    - end
I had to manually search through numerous .mem files to find the regions with high amounts of allocations so it's possible I missed some; but the files above contribute in excess of 180 MiB of allocations so I did find the majority. My main conclusions based on this profiling and reading the IntervalRootFinding.jl documentation are: Short of re-writing parts of the IntervalRootFinding.jl package, I don't see any way to improve the speed of the solver, meaning that using this solver as part of a robust flash procedure remains impractical.


[1] Kunz and Wagner, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2012, 57, 3032 (link to publisher)

[2] Aursand et al., Fluid Phase Equilib., 2017, 436, 98 (link to publisher)

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