is maintained as a hobby by Darren Rowland (© 2021).
Queries and comments about the site can be directed to:
darren [dot] rowland [at] uwa [dot] edu [dot] au.
If you make use of any of the site's content, please cite appropriately to help
make your work reproducible and as a sign of support for my endeavours.
Answers to some questions are given below.
The following gives an example in BibTeX format
@misc{ advancedthermo, author = "{Darren Rowland}", title = "Advanced Thermodynamics", year = "2021", url = "", note = "[Online; accessed dd-mmm-yyyy]" }
Every data table and most pages on the site have an associated permalink at the bottom. The following gives an example of referencing the data table giving the density of aqueous sodium chloride.
@misc{ advancedthermo_density_nacl, author = "{Darren Rowland}", title = "Density of NaCl(aq)", year = "2021", url = "", note = "[Online; accessed dd-mmm-yyyy]" }