This is Part 5 of a series.
In Part 4, I implemented a density solver and function for calculating the fugacity coefficients in a mixture. Both of these will be used heavily in this part, which focuses on implementing a phase equilibrium solver.
In the classic 2-phase equilibrium problem, given pressure p, temperature T and overall/feed composition z, the task is to find a liquid composition x, vapour composition y, and vapour phase fraction β such that for all components i:
For step 1 above, the most common general method for calculating Ki is due to Wilson. The function can be implemented like so:
function lnK_Wilson(m::FluidMixture,p,T)
n = length(m.components)
lnK = zeros(n)
for i = 1:n
lnK[i] = log(m.components[i].pc/p)+5.37*(1+m.components[i].ω)*(1-m.components[i].Tc/T)
return lnK
For step 2, the Rachford-Rice equation and it's solver can be written succinctly:
function solve_xyβ(z,K)
(f0,df0) = RachfordRice(z,K,0.0)
(f1,df1) = RachfordRice(z,K,1.0)
if f0 > 0.0 && f1 < 0.0
β = 0.5
(f,df) = RachfordRice(z,K,β)
while abs(f)>1.e-5
β -= f/df
(f,df) = RachfordRice(z,K,β)
x = @.(z/(1+β*(K-1)))
y = K.*x
return (x,y,β)
return (z,z, f0 > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0)
function RachfordRice(z,K,β)
s = @.((K-1)/(1+β*(K-1)))
return (z's, -z's.^2)
The solver checks whether a solution exists in the interval
0 < β < 1 and finds it via Newton's method if it exists.
If the solution doesn't exist — suggesting single-phase conditions —
the trivial solution is returned. I've added a simple unit test to verify
the solver:
@testset "Rachford-Rice solver" begin
# adapted from 'Advanced Thermodynamics - Lecture 16 (2019)'
z = [0.0191,0.0433,0.7046,0.1851,0.0479]
K = [0.434,8.53,2.9696,0.3038,0.0593]
(x,y,β) = AdvancedThermo.solve_xyβ(z,K)
x_ref = [0.0368, 0.0058, 0.2633, 0.4541, 0.2399]
y_ref = [0.0160, 0.0499, 0.7820, 0.1379, 0.0142]
β_ref = 0.85078
tol = 1.e-4
for i = 1:length(x_ref)
@test abs(x[i]-x_ref[i])<tol
@test abs(y[i]-y_ref[i])<tol
@test abs(β-β_ref)<tol
For step 3, last time I developed a function for calculating φi(ρ,T,x) and a density solver. Using both of these and the code above, the full algorithm looks like:
function flash(m::FluidMixture,p,T,z)
lnK = lnK_Wilson(m,p,T)
K = exp.(lnK)
β_prev = -1.0
(x,y,β) = solve_xyβ(z,K)
while abs(β-β_prev)>1.e-6
lnϕ_liq = lnϕ(m,ρ(m,p,T,x),T,x)
lnϕ_vap = lnϕ(m,ρ(m,p,T,y),T,y)
β_prev = β
(x,y,β) = solve_xyβ(z,exp.(lnϕ_liq.-lnϕ_vap))
return (x,y,β)
The following unit test passes:
@testset "pT flash (methane+helium)" begin
methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane,helium])
(x,y,β) = AdvancedThermo.flash(mixture,2.e6,90.0,[0.5,0.5])
# benchmark values from TREND 4.0
x_ref = [0.999896, 0.000104]
y_ref = [0.007754, 0.992246]
β_ref = 0.503856
tol = 1.e-6
for i = 1:length(x_ref)
@test abs(x[i]-x_ref[i])<tol
@test abs(y[i]-y_ref[i])<tol
@test abs(β-β_ref)<tol
However, when I change p from 2 MPa to 3 MPa the flash
returns a single phase instead of the expected 2 phases reported
by TREND 4.0 [2]. Julia has a way to add tests that are in a
broken state: by using @test_broken
in the following,
I will receive a message if subsequent changes cause the
tests to pass:
@testset "pT flash (methane+helium)" begin
methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane,helium])
(x,y,β) = AdvancedThermo.flash(mixture,3.e6,90.0,[0.5,0.5])
# benchmark values from TREND 4.0
x_ref = [0.999847, 0.000153]
y_ref = [0.006025, 0.993975]
β_ref = 0.502955
tol = 1.e-6
for i = 1:length(x_ref)
@test_broken abs(x[i]-x_ref[i])<tol
@test_broken abs(y[i]-y_ref[i])<tol
@test_broken abs(β-β_ref)<tol
Looking at the failure case, the final K values are around 0.006/0.9998 = 0.006 for methane and 0.994/0.00015 = 6600 for helium. In contrast, the K values from Wilson's method at this condition are 0.0035 and 1.61 respectively. The K value for helium is particularly poor, and this may help explain the failure to flash the mixture correctly. As the equilibrium phases are nearly pure, better estimates of the K values can be made by calculating the partial fugacity coefficients assuming a perfect split of the components. This is incorporated into a flash algorithm below:
function flash_helium_binary(m::FluidMixture,p,T,z)
x1 = [1.0, 0.0]
x2 = [0.0, 1.0]
ρ1 = ρ(m,p,T,x1)
ρ2 = ρ(m,p,T,x2)
lnϕ_1 = lnϕ(m,ρ1,T,x1)
lnϕ_2 = lnϕ(m,ρ2,T,x2)
K = ρ1>ρ2 ? exp.(lnϕ_1.-lnϕ_2) : exp.(lnϕ_2.-lnϕ_1)
return flash_initial_K(m,p,T,z,K)
function flash_initial_K(m::FluidMixture,p,T,z,K)
β_prev = -1.0
(x,y,β) = solve_xyβ(z,K)
nit = 0
while abs(β-β_prev)>1.e-6 && nit<100
nit = nit + 1
lnϕ_liq = lnϕ(m,ρ(m,p,T,x),T,x)
lnϕ_vap = lnϕ(m,ρ(m,p,T,y),T,y)
β_prev = β
(x,y,β) = solve_xyβ(z,exp.(lnϕ_liq.-lnϕ_vap))
return (x,y,β)
All of the flash unit tests now pass by calling
. Note that if better
estimates of K are available — such as from experimental
pTxy or a prior flash result — flash_initial_K
can be called directly.
To more thoroughly test the flash, I'll use the same 128 data points for
the (methane + helium) binary system that were used in Rowland et al.
[3]. These data originate from Heck and Hiza [4], DeVaney et al. [5],
and Rhodes et al. [6]. The data are included in the zip file (see below)
and can be read with CSV.jl
then sent to the flash:
@testset "pTxy data (methane+helium)" begin
methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane,helium])
file = "pTxy_methane_helium.csv"
for row in CSV.File(file)
z = [0.5*(row.x1+row.y1), 0.5*(row.x2+row.y2)]
K = [row.y1/row.x1, row.y2/row.x2]
(x,y,β) = AdvancedThermo.flash_initial_K(mixture,row.p*1e3,row.T,z,K)
if β==0.0 || β==1.0
@info "Single phase - $(row.Reference) datum $(row.n)"
catch e
@info "Internal error - $(row.Reference) datum $(row.n)"
and the printed messages (from @info
and println
) are
the following:
[ Info: Internal error - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 4 log will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try log(Complex(x)). [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 5 [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 11 [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 13 [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 21 [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 28 [ Info: Single phase - Heck and Hiza, 1969 datum 30 [ Info: Internal error - DeVaney et al., 1971 datum 4 log will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try log(Complex(x)). [ Info: Internal error - DeVaney et al., 1971 datum 5 log will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try log(Complex(x)). [ Info: Single phase - Rhodes et al., 1971 datum 5 [ Info: Single phase - Rhodes et al., 1971 datum 35 [ Info: Single phase - Rhodes et al., 1971 datum 44In summary, 9 flash cases are resulting in the trivial solution, and 3 cases end when attempting to take the logarithm of a negative number, which I believe is being caused by failure in the density solver. That's fewer than 10% of the total number of flash cases, which is pretty good considering how little code has been written.
It seems there are 2 options for what to tackle next:
The code so far can be obtained by downloading the zip file.
[1] Kunz et al., GERG Technical Monograph 15: The GERG-2004 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and Other Mixtures, Groupe Européen de Recherches Gazières, 2007 (link to PDF)
[2] Span et al., TREND. Thermodynamic Reference and Engineering Data 4.0. Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2019
[3] Rowland et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2017, 62, 2799 (link to publisher)
[4] Heck and Hiza, AIChE J., 1967, 13, 593 (link to publisher)
[5] DeVaney et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 158 (link to publisher)
[6] Rhodes et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1971, 16, 19 (link to publisher)
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