Advanced Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic properties of natural gas mixtures containing helium - Part 4

4 July 2021

This is Part 4 of a series.

In Part 3, I showed how to calculate derivatives of the Helmholtz energy in Julia via Automatic Differentiation. In this part, a density solver will be implemented so that I can specify pressure and temperature instead of density and temperature, which will help when examining experimental data.

A consequence of using multi-parameter equations of state in the GERG-2008 model is that multiple density solutions/roots can exist at a particular pressure and temperature [1]. However, as noted by Kunz et al.:

"the multiple density solutions can be handled in a quite efficient and reliable way, without any problems concerning the calculation of thermodynamic properties for the various types of mixtures investigated in this work"
and they outline an algorithm for determining the correct density roots in Section 7.8 [1]. The basic strategy is: In code, a simple density solver looks like:

function ρ(m::FluidMixture,p,T,x)
  ρ_lo = 1.e-6
  (p_lo,∂p∂ρ,∂²p∂ρ²) = derivatives_of_p(m,ρ_lo,T,x)
  while abs(p_lo-p)>1.e-4
      dρ = (p-p_lo)/∂p∂ρ
      if ρ_lo + dρ > 0.0
          ρ_lo += dρ
          (p_lo,∂p∂ρ,∂²p∂ρ²) = derivatives_of_p(m,ρ_lo,T,x)
          ρ_lo = -1.0
          p_lo = p
  ρ_hi = 1.e6
  (p_hi,∂p∂ρ,∂²p∂ρ²) = derivatives_of_p(m,ρ_hi,T,x)
  while abs(p_hi-p)>1.e-4
      dρ = (p-p_hi)/∂p∂ρ
      dρ_s = -∂p∂ρ/∂²p∂ρ²
      if dρ>dρ_s
          ρ_hi += dρ
          (p_hi,∂p∂ρ,∂²p∂ρ²) = derivatives_of_p(m,ρ_hi,T,x)
          ρ_hi = -1.0
          p_hi = p
  if ρ_lo>=0.0 && ρ_hi>=0.0
      g_lo = g(m,ρ_lo,T,x)
      g_hi = g(m,ρ_hi,T,x)
      if g_lo < g_hi
          return ρ_lo
          return ρ_hi
  elseif ρ_lo >= 0.0
      return ρ_lo
      return ρ_hi
where I've also used a function for computing the Gibbs energy g

function g(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
  v = inv(ρ)
  return a(m,v,T,x) + p(m,ρ,T,x)*v
and a function that returns p along with its first and second derivatives with respect to ρ (relying once again on ForwardDiff.jl and DiffResults.jl):

function derivatives_of_p(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
  result = DiffResults.HessianResult([ρ])
  f = ρ -> p(m,ρ[1],T,x)
  result = ForwardDiff.hessian!(result, f, [ρ])
  pcalc = DiffResults.value(result)
  ∂p∂ρ = DiffResults.gradient(result)[1]
  ∂²p∂ρ² = DiffResults.hessian(result)[1,1]
  return (pcalc,∂p∂ρ,∂²p∂ρ²)
Tests of the density solver are passing and give good agreement with TREND 4.0 [2]:

@testset "gibbs energy (nitrogen+helium)" begin
  nitrogen = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("nitrogen")
  helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
  mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([nitrogen,helium])
  x = [0.7, 0.3]
  # benchmark values from TREND 4.0 (GERG-2008)
  g = AdvancedThermo.g(mixture,1000.0,300.0,x)
  @test abs(g-6505.6913733708)<1.e-1
@testset "density solver (nitrogen)" begin
  nitrogen = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("nitrogen")
  mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([nitrogen])
  # benchmark values from TREND 4.0 (GERG-2008)
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e4,100.0,[1.0])-12.0505465245949)<1.e-7
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e6,100.0,[1.0])-24661.1684674037)<1.e-7
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e6,115.0,[1.0])-1223.49168349671)<1.e-7
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e7,115.0,[1.0])-23571.4077503479)<1.e-7
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,2.e6,126.0,[1.0])-2500.28432820219)<1.e-7
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,3.39e6,126.0,[1.0])-14332.0445222086)<2.e-6
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e7,126.0,[1.0])-21321.8153441504)<1.e-7

@testset "density solver (nitrogen+helium)" begin
  nitrogen = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("nitrogen")
  helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
  mixture = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([nitrogen,helium])
  x = [0.7, 0.3]
  # benchmark values from TREND 4.0 (GERG-2008)
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e4,300.0,x)-4.0089604347598)<1.e-6
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e4,100.0,x)-12.0356259880732)<1.e-8
  @test abs(AdvancedThermo.ρ(mixture,1.e9,300.0,x)-46376.8316627108)<1.e-8
I haven't stressed the density solver much so it might need to be made more robust in future but I'm satisfied for now. Solving for density is an area of research in its own right; some references to building reliable density solvers are given below (see [3] and [4]).

I want to work on the phase equilibrium solver in the next part. In anticipation of that, I've implemented a simple function for calculating the partial fugacity coefficients (as natural log) of all components in the FluidMixture:

function lnϕ(m::FluidMixture,ρ,T,x)
  result = DiffResults.GradientResult(x)
  f = x -> nαʳ(m,vcat(inv(ρ),T,x))
  result = ForwardDiff.gradient!(result, f, x)
  return DiffResults.gradient(result) .- log(Z(m,ρ,T,x))
This allows me to simplify the unit tests: what was previously

  result = AdvancedThermo.derivatives_of_nαʳ(mixture,inv(ρ),T,x)
  Z = AdvancedThermo.Z(mixture,ρ,T,x)
  ϕ_N2 = exp(DiffResults.gradient(result)[3] - log(Z))
  ϕ_He = exp(DiffResults.gradient(result)[4] - log(Z))
  @test abs(ϕ_N2-0.998810946)<1.e-9
  @test abs(ϕ_He-1.028530046)<1.e-9

  lnϕ = AdvancedThermo.lnϕ(mixture,ρ,T,x)
  @test abs(exp(lnϕ[1])-0.998810946)<1.e-9
  @test abs(exp(lnϕ[2])-1.028530046)<1.e-9

The code so far can be obtained by downloading the zip file. In the next part of the series, I'll implement a simple phase equilibrium solver: soon it will be possible to examine experimental pTxy data.


[1] Kunz et al., GERG Technical Monograph 15: The GERG-2004 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and Other Mixtures, Groupe Européen de Recherches Gazières, 2007 (link to PDF)

[2] Span et al., TREND. Thermodynamic Reference and Engineering Data 4.0. Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2019

[3] Topliss, Techniques to Facilitate the Use of Equations of State for Complex Fluid-Phase Equilibria, PhD Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1985

[4] Bell and Alpert, Fluid Phase Equilib., 2018, 476, 89 (link to publisher)

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