Advanced Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic properties of natural gas mixtures containing helium - Part 10

14 November 2021

This is Part 10 of a series.

Previously, I tested a few flash solvers on mixtures with helium before deciding to make my own reliable solver. In this part I'll look further into whether the predictions of phase equilibria and physical properties can improve by modifying the critical constants of helium used in the GERG-2008 EOS [1]. I will note here that although usually I document things as I try them in this case I have tried some things over the past few weekends and I didn't record them all. I've used the .julia/logs/repl_history.jl to help reconstruct some specifics but mostly I'm relying on memory.

As I now have a more reliable flash solver to work with, I'll begin by (re-)calculating the deviations from the data of the GERG-2008 EOS [1] and two models with modified Tc and ρc from Messerly et al. [2]. The code to do this is based on that from Part 7:

function calculate_statistics(dev)
    n = length(dev)
    AAD = sum(abs.(dev))/n
    Bias = sum(dev)/n
    RMS = sqrt(sum(dev.^2)/n)
    Max = maximum(dev)>-minimum(dev) ? maximum(dev) : minimum(dev)
    return (AAD, Bias, RMS, Max)
function flash_statistics(file, N, mixture)
    devK1 = zeros(N)
    devK2 = zeros(N)
    K1 = zeros(N)
    K2 = zeros(N)
    i = 0
    for row in CSV.File(file)
        z = [0.5*(row.x1+row.y1), 0.5*(row.x2+row.y2)]
            (x,y,β) = AdvancedThermo.flash_with_stability(mixture,row.p*1e3,row.T,z)
            if β==0.0 || β==1.0
                @info "Single phase - $(row.Reference) datum $(row.n)"
                i += 1
                devK1[i] = log(row.y1/row.x1) - log(y[1]/x[1])
                devK2[i] = log(row.y2/row.y1) - log(y[2]/x[2])
                K1[i] = log(row.y1/row.x1)
                K2[i] = log(row.y2/row.x2)
        catch e
            @info "Internal error - $(row.Reference) datum $(row.n)"
    (AADK1,BiasK1,RMSK1,MaxK1) = calculate_statistics(devK1[1:i])
    (AADK2,BiasK2,RMSK2,MaxK2) = calculate_statistics(devK2[1:i])
    println("Statistic      lnK(methane)               lnK(helium)")
    println("AAD            $AADK1               $AADK2")
    println("Bias           $BiasK1              $BiasK2")
    println("RMS            $RMSK1               $RMSK2")
    println("Max            $MaxK1               $MaxK2")
    return (K1[1:i], K2[1:i], devK1[1:i], devK2[1:i])
Running this function on the full set of data in pTxy_methane_helium.csv for the various models gives:

    Results for GERG-2008 EOS [1]a
    Statistic      lnK(methane)               lnK(helium)
    AAD            0.36743472024844487        2.487039581867481
    Bias           -0.33229410009211424       -2.4684691120311237
    RMS            0.5575148892589821         2.9733531350213824
    Max            -1.851716348867873         -6.865761787762258
    a 3 points predicted as single phase

    Results for Messerly A (Tc = 13, ρc = 28400, γv = γT = 1)b
    Statistic      lnK(methane)               lnK(helium)
    AAD            0.5267775601980111         9.558432793190308
    Bias           0.5266834077008744         -9.558432793190308
    RMS            0.6184443691443137         10.048008727255144
    Max            1.4314091755111868         -20.60754502534418
    b 3 points predicted as single phase

    Results for Messerly B (Tc = 13, ρc = 28400, γv = 1.086694, γT = 2.044932)
    Statistic      lnK(methane)               lnK(helium)
    AAD            0.17690224922980394        5.703383457656008
    Bias           0.17200694947307213        -5.703383457656008
    RMS            0.24685901745331715        6.010484047646062
    Max            0.7458249648047901         -13.43577111950453
The results above confirm the conclusions from Part 7, that using the critical parameters of Messerly et al. [2] with γv = γT = 1 worsens the predictions of the methane-helium binary compared to GERG-2008 [1]. The model in which the Messerly et al. critical constants are used along with interaction parameters based on arithmetic means is harder to judge: the prediction of Kmethane improves a bit but the predictions of Khelium deteriorate substantially. However, all of the points are correctly classified as comprising two phases which is a small improvement over GERG.

Even though the prediction of Kmethane values with modified critical parameters is better than GERG-2008, the agreement with data remains noticeably worse than the cubic model with tuned critical constants developed by Rowland et al. (refer Figure 3c of [3]). This suggests to me that I need to fit to the data in order to determine an acceptable set of critical parameters for helium.

As running flash_statistics involves flashing more than 100 points it takes a while to execute. I attempted to use the flash to find optimal values of critical temperature and density of classical helium like so:

function fit_critical_constants_flash(file, mixture)
    function model(x,p)
        mixture.components[2] = new_critical!(mixture.components[2], 1.e6, p[1], p[2]*1e3)
        (γv, γT) = arithmetic_γ(mixture.components[1], mixture.components[2])
        mixture.γv[1,2] = mixture.γv[2,1] = γv
        mixture.γT[1,2] = mixture.γT[2,1] = γT
        devK1 = zeros(128)
        devK2 = zeros(128)
        i = 0
        for row in CSV.File(file)
            i += 1
            z = [0.5*(row.x1+row.y1), 0.5*(row.x2+row.y2)]
                (x,y,β) = flash_with_stability(mixture,row.p*1e3,row.T,z)
                if β==0.0 || β==1.0
                    # penalise single phase results
                    devK1[i] = 10.0
                    devK2[i] = 10.0
                    devK1[i] = log(row.y1/row.x1) - log(y[1]/x[1])
                    devK2[i] = log(row.y2/row.y1) - log(y[2]/x[2])
            catch e
                # penalise other errors
                devK1[i] = 10.0
                devK2[i] = 10.0
        return vcat(devK1[1:i], devK2[1:i])
    p0 = [13.0, 28.0]
    fit = LsqFit.curve_fit(model, zeros(256), zeros(256), p0)
    return coef(fit)
The function tries to minimise the differences between the experimental and calculated logK values. In the event that K values cannot be calculated — such as when a single-phase result is predicted — a penalty value is applied to that point. This is essentially the same strategy that was used to fit the critical constants in Rowland et al. [3]. Unfortunately, I found that it was probably going to take too long to get results from this function due to the flash being on the slow side.

An alternative to running the full flash for every point is to calculate the difference in fugacity between the liquid and vapour phases based on the experimental compositions:

function calculate_goodness_of_fit(Tc,ρc)
    methane = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("methane")
    helium = AdvancedThermo.get_fluid_component("helium")
    # Dummy value for critical pressure
    helium = AdvancedThermo.new_critical!(helium,1e6,Tc,ρc)
    m = AdvancedThermo.create_mixture([methane,helium])
    (γv12, γT12) = AdvancedThermo.arithmetic_γ(methane, helium)
    m.γv[1,2] = m.γv[2,1] = γv12
    m.γT[1,2] = m.γT[2,1] = γT12
    file = "test/pTxy_methane_helium.csv"
    ssq = 0.0
    for row in CSV.File(file)
        T = row.T
        p = row.p*1e3
        x = [row.x1, row.x2]
        lnf_liq = log.(x)+AdvancedThermo.lnϕ(m,AdvancedThermo.ρ(m,p,T,x),T,x)
        y = [row.y1, row.y2]
        lnf_vap = log.(y)+AdvancedThermo.lnϕ(m,AdvancedThermo.ρ(m,p,T,y),T,y)
        #@info lnf_liq, lnf_vap
        ssq += sum((lnf_liq.-lnf_vap).^2)
    rmsd = sqrt(ssq/2/128)
    return (ssq, rmsd)
The model uses modified critical constants for helium then the interaction parameters are obtained from the function arithmetic_γ. An advantage of this method is that it doesn't need the flash, which actually means I could have tried it prior to developing the reliable flash. Calculating the goodness-of-fit at a series of points and plotting the results as a surface can be achieved like so:

    using Plots
    T = 5:0.1:15.0
    ρ = 10000:500:20000
    surface(T, ρ, (x,y) -> AdvancedThermo.calculate_goodness_of_fit(x,y)[1])
Figure 1. Surface plot showing goodness-of-fit for critical temperatures ranging
from (5 to 15) K and critical densities from (10000 to 20000) mol per cubic meter.
Based on that surface, it appears that critical temperatures in the vicinity of 10 K (i.e. close to that of Rowland et al. [3] or Messerly et al. [2]) fare significantly worse than temperatures close to the actual critical point of helium (≈5 K). But the surface does seem to be flattening out near 15 K so perhaps higher temperatures need to be considered... By manually expanding and contracting the search range I narrowed down to this region of the (Tc, ρc) space (while switching to a contour plot because I couldn't rotate the surface plots)
Figure 2. Contour plot showing goodness-of-fit contours for critical temperatures ranging
from (95 to 105) K and critical densities from (16000 to 21000) mol per cubic meter.
I don't know where the exact minimum is but it appears to be close to Tc = 101 K, ρc = 18700 mol m−3 (based on running calculate_goodness_of_fit at several points) which is a much higher critical temperature than expected. Running the flash_statistics function gives the following results

    Results for Model C (Tc = 101, ρc = 18700, γv = 1.031007, γT = 1.050807)
    Statistic      lnK(methane)               lnK(helium)
    AAD            0.8794574320713446         3.2290930093654087
    Bias           -0.7964101645477908        -1.3794488063938029
    RMS            2.259885753221556          4.0251045551693805
    Max            -8.684084051281314         9.607441033426088
Six of the points are predicted as single-phase. Overall, the Kmethane values are predicted less well compared to the models above with critical parameters from Messerly et al. [2] while the Khelium values are a bit better predicted. By not performing the flash, important information about the phase stability is omitted from the goodness-of-fit calculation. I might dig further into this issue next time.

The code so far can be obtained by downloading the zip file.

The next part of the series is here.


[1] Kunz and Wagner, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2012, 57, 3032 (link to publisher)

[2] Messerly et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2020, 65, 1028 (link to publisher)

[3] Rowland et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2017, 62, 2799 (link to publisher)

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