Advanced Thermodynamics


Density of ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3(aq)

Table 1. Estimated values of absolute density (g/cm3) of aqueous ammonium nitrate solutions {NH4NO3 + H2O) as function of electrolyte molality m and temperature T (at pressure p = 1 bar). Values in the table are consistent with the density of pure water calculated with the IAPWS-95 equation of state.

ρ /g·cm−3
m /mol·kg(H2O)−1 T = 10.0 °C T = 25.0 °C T = 40.0 °C T = 55.0 °C T = 70.0 °C T = 85.0 °C
0.1 1.00308 1.00026 0.99531 0.98871 0.98074 0.97157
0.2 1.00640 1.00341 0.99836 0.99169 0.98368 0.97450
0.3 1.00968 1.00652 1.00137 0.99464 0.98660 0.97740
0.4 1.01291 1.00958 1.00434 0.99756 0.98949 0.98028
0.5 1.01609 1.01260 1.00727 1.00045 0.99236 0.98314
0.6 1.01924 1.01559 1.01017 1.00329 0.99519 0.98596
0.7 1.02234 1.01854 1.01304 1.00613 0.99799 0.98875
0.8 1.02541 1.02145 1.01587 1.00892 1.00076 0.99151
0.9 1.02844 1.02432 1.01867 1.01168 1.00350 0.99424
1.0 1.03142 1.02716 1.02144 1.01441 1.00621 0.99693
1.2 1.03729 1.03277 1.02688 1.01977 1.01153 1.00222
1.4 1.04302 1.03820 1.03219 1.02501 1.01672 1.00738
1.6 1.04861 1.04353 1.03738 1.03013 1.02180 1.01242
1.8 1.05406 1.04873 1.04246 1.03514 1.02675 1.01733
2.0 1.05938 1.05383 1.04743 1.04003 1.03159 1.02212
2.5 1.07216 1.06607 1.05938 1.05179 1.04320 1.03361
3.0 1.08422 1.07769 1.07071 1.06293 1.05420 1.04448
3.5 1.09562 1.08871 1.08148 1.07351 1.06464 1.05482
4.0 1.10642 1.09921 1.09173 1.08358 1.07460 1.06472
4.5 1.11667 1.10921 1.10151 1.09320 1.08414 1.07427
5.0 1.12641 1.11877 1.11087 1.10242 1.09333 1.08354
5.5 1.13569 1.12792 1.11984 1.11129 1.10222 1.09262
6.0 1.14454 1.13670 1.12846 1.11984 1.11087 1.10157

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